Monday 18 August 2014


Hey Friends,

The last time I wrote on interior design, it was on a not so common themed decor. Today, I have another interesting and even more rare themed decor design to please your senses. Today, it is photography theme. Photography is an area I've always loved even though I know I could never be a professional at it. When you think of photography, what comes to mind? I know, it's easy, pictures. Well, if you thought that then you are probably correct. However, for the purpose of this discussion, I'll include videography to that. Many people now view them as separate entities, but I don't think they are entirely so different. Take for instance, the camera especially, the digital camera. It is used to both take pictures and record events (videos). Another example, these days, videos can be stored on compact discs, well, so can picture. Besides videos are also called motion pictures. So, I hope I am not mistaken in clumping the two together for this post. 

Unto more interesting things, how do you achieve this look? It must already seem daunting especially with this first photo. You would wonder if I'm implying you build a house. If you can, why not? Anyway, dear friends don't fret. It gets simpler. Achieving the photography theme is probably something we already practice but pay no attention to. These are very easy ways to achieve the photography themed decor.

  • If you read my posts on interior design, you'll notice that I rarely write any without stressing the need to accessorize with picture frames and artwork. Well, this is the exact theme that requires you to take it all out. Back in the day, when I was in secondary school, students had this habit of pasting pictures of their family and friends on the wall (I did it too). A better way or should I say more sophisticated way to go about it now, is by creating a feature wall with frames photos even if of different shapes and sizes.

  • Another way to incorporate this theme, I'm sorry to say would be more beneficial to collectors. Are you a camera or video tape collector? Well, today is your lucky day. All you have to do is created an eye-catching location for your collection in your space and voila! you have yourself a unique statement piece. Take a look below;

  • A third way to achieve this look is by creating what looks like a dark room. A dark room is a room where pictures are developed. To achieve this, you can hang negative film and/or pictures on ropes using clips. How about designing your living room so it look like a movie or studio set? Action, set, go! Isn't that a great idea? Be careful with this style though so you don't end up with a tacky space instead of a gorgeous one.

  • The final and easiest way to incorporate this theme is to get wallpaper or beddings with photographic designs on them. The designs could vary as list above.
So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and start your decoration plans!! Until I come your way again with another themed decor, (I hope soon)....


photo credits:

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