Wednesday 4 December 2013


I don't yet know what it is about love that makes people want to live forever this minute and want to die in the very next second. What is it that makes people decide that they can't live without that very someone. The reason behind the decision to not want to move on or even want to take their own lives following a breakup. What is the connection between love, life and death? Remember Romeo and Juliet? Why is it the most romantic story ever?! People always seem to think so.... I don't think so though, probably because stories with sad ending depress me. I am your typical "happily ever after" type of gal. 

I'm sure at this point, you are wondering what the point to my questions are. Well, let the story begin. It's about 2 patients I saw at two very different times. One a male and the latest one a female. They attempted suicide after a bad breakup. These people are both in their 20's by the way. The guy decided to take his life by over-dosing on multiple medications. The girl tried using a knife to cut herself in the abdominal region. (guessing it hurt her too much, cos she dropped the knife). She then picked up contents found in a bar (vodka, red bull e.t.c.) and mixed with contents of her kitchen (pepper, mayonnaise, oil e.t.c). She drank them and started yelling, rolling on the floor. (This is according to history gotten form relatives).

Now here is the funny part, Both of these patients attempted suicide but they didn't want to die. You know why? The male patient had activated charcoal ready so he could take it as soon as he began to hurt. That's exactly what he did and then presented to the hospital immediately. The case of the female patient is the funniest. She got a knife but couldn't stab herself. That's the fastest right? Anyway she decided to cut and scar her body then stopped. Took a mixture of non-poisonous substances and started yelling to get attention just incase..... Isn't that just hilarious?

She was given some sedatives to calm her down and reduce to commotion in the emergency room. That worked for about 10 minutes, (guess because of the alcohol). Then she woke up and started laughing like a character from a horror movie. Of course more sedation was what she got. They were both counselled and referred to the psychiatrist for follow up.

Finally, my question again. What is it about love, life and death. Remember, there is no need to loss your life in the bid to get someone's attention. If that happens, believe me, they go on living and with no guilt whatsoever. Why? because they didn't kill you. You made that decision. Let's not forget about the afterlife too. HEAVEN and HELL are very real. Where will you be headed after taking your own life? Before I drop my pen on this post, If someone doesn't want to be with you, please let them go. No need forcing them to love you because they can't. Fill your life with new positive things.

Remain blessed

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